I was shaking & almost crying with emotion; the word FANTASTIC doesn’t really begin to descibe the S>E>N>S>A>T>I>O>N. Remember guys, Estim isn’t about PAIN, it’s about SENSATION;
A New Year dawns & news about some shocking events in December

Hello Sexy Friends! So, we come to the end of another year! December has been a cruel month for us with Minx battling illness forcing us to cut short two visits to London and head back home. It all started with a flu jab and looks like an adverse reaction…now, 5 weeks on she’s on…
Please turn it OFF!

We’ve had some interesting meets recently not least this one from a guy looking to ‘experiment’. Specifically he wanted to experience electrosex and booked a two hour session in London. Fifty-something years old with greying hair and a senior job in IT, our friend (we’ll call him Nelson) arrived with trembling hands and a bit…
What’s HOT and trending right now? Electrosex!

JULY ’17, What’s HOT and trending right now? Electrosex! Also known as E-stim or Electroplay. What is it? The art of using electricity to stimulate the body. Why call it an art? Because everybody’s different, and finding ways to pleasure the human body is not an exact science. It’s a bit like music…we all like…