Are you a wee bit bi curious? Today’s supposed to be the day we get back to something approaching normality; but if you believe that you’re DELUDED. Coinciding with this latest step by HMG aka SAGE, we’ve now got ‘the Indian Variant’, and you know what? After that it’ll be the X variant, the Y variant and the Zee variant, & if they don’t happen, someone’s going to SNEEZE August Bank Holiday and we’re all going to be locked down again come the autumn. Call us cynical, but pretty much all the predictions vented by so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ a year ago (including us) have come to pass. So, if you’re like many men we’ve spoken to lately, you’ve been holed up Working From Home giving you ample opportunity to purve over our AdultWork profile and this website, not to mention NVS (News Views & Screws) magazine archives. Talking of which we’ve not written many this past 12 months due to a lack of meetings.
This past fortnight our phones have been red hot. We’ve had several inquiries for BESPOKE BOOKINGS all over the country, and even more calls and texts from ‘straight’ men admitting to be ‘bi curious’. Guys, get one thing straight, NOBODY’s 100% straight or 100% gay. Sexuality is a spectrum. When you’ve got a quiet moment, get up to speed by reading this Fun50Couple-VIEWS and TAKE THE TEST. No silly, NOT the lateral flow one, the sexy one outlined in the article.
Most bi curious guys we talk to profess to be nervous, embarrassed by it almost. There’s no need! It’s reckoned there are four times as many bisexual people out there as those who identify as gay. Embrace it! Bisexuality in women is regarded by a high percentage of society as acceptable, ‘trendy’ almost. The same unfortunately can’t be said for men with only 17% or so out of the closet. This is mainly due to peer pressure & gay stereotyping, but things are improving, with younger generations being more open & accepting of it. We’ve met numbers of bi curious men now running well into four figures, so we know a thing about what makes them tick. So if you’re a guy yearning to play both ways, get in touch. Don’t delay, because there may only be a small window of opportunity before everything’s closed down again. It’s actually ILLEGAL still to meet, but not many folk are taking a whole lot of notice. In fact, they’re taking as much notice of the letter of the law as Hancock Whitty Vallance & Ferguson; You won’t have heard about it in the mainstream media, but all four have been summoned to court for Crimes against Humanity. Westminster have tried (unsuccessfully) to stonewall it. Find out more by following ‘Daily Expose’ and ‘Unity News Network’ and switch off the BBC. (Thousands are cancelling their TV licenses, something else you’ll probably not have heard about…in protest at biased news reporting & Covid hysteria)
We were among the 6-700,000 demonstrators in London on April 24th, yep, all 9 miles of marchers, along a route taking in Park Lane, Oxford Street, Holborn, Chancery Lane, Blackfriars, Embankment, Birdcage Walk, Buck House and on to Hyde Park Corner; something else the British mainstream media chose to largely ignore. You had to tune into Australian or American TV to get an honest POV. We’re back on May 29th, when over a million are expected to attend. In addition to protests every weekend now, including ‘Stands in the Park’ worldwide. Anyway, that’s enough beating of the drum for freedom; If you’re open minded enough to want to explore sexuality, it might be wise to look at current events through similar eyes. #JustSaying
Longtime subscribers to News Views & Screws may remember us planning to set up fun50couple picture galleries. We’ve been sidetracked by a project involving poverty and politics this past 14 months, however, we’re now back to upgrading our XXX online footprint. Click please, on the new fun50couple CLUB 50 tab and you’ll see a drop down menu. To date (Monday 17th May) we’ve filled the Free Gallery with nearly 150 pics, not much nudity for legal reasons, but plenty of images relevant to our kinky lifestyle. Enjoy. If you’re already an NVS subscriber, to access the gallery all you have to do is re-enter your credentials in the popup and it will recognise them, & direct you to the ‘Thank You’ page, the top of which you’ll find two links, one to NVS, the other to the gallery. Click the link and bookmark the page on your device. By doing that you’ll always have access. If you’re NOT a current NVS subscriber, then subscribe via the popup OR the ‘what is Club50?’ page link, and you’ll automatically gain access to both. Any problems email Sometimes, outlook & yahoo accounts won’t send you the activation link due to filters, in which case, get yourself a Proton account which is more private anyway, and encrypted too.
We’re building the Club 50 XXX Private Gallery too, work in progress. Expect to be able to access it later THIS WEEK. How? Simply send an email to with the heading ‘Club50 Silver Access‘ & we’ll sort it. Silver Membership & above are charged for. Pay by bank transfer or gift vouchers. Crypto payments will follow.
Gold membership’s in the pipeline, and expected to be live before the end of the month. It will entitle you to view XXX fun50couple video content and you’ll get News Views & Screws audio files. So if you’re planning a long journey on business, you’ll be able to listen to our sexy true exploits as you drive. Some of the tales run into 25-30 minutes, enough time for you to get seriously turned on. We’ll hazard a bet you’ll be looking for a layby or a quiet spot to stop and relieve the pressure.
Twitter. Hmmmm, we have a love hate relationship with this platform. Our former @fun50couple account got censored by the Twitter police, meaning we were never allowed to get beyond 3.3k followers. Its psychological warfare. Held to account by the EU courts for their shadowbanning activities, they’ve resorted to ‘other undisclosed’ methods to restrict NSFW accounts. That’s the reason our web address & AW profile links are no longer displayed in the Twitter bio, since it alerts them to the fact we’re committing the heinous crime of working (perfectly legally) as escorts in the UK. We’d really appreciate it if you’d follow the new @ScrewsViews account so we can regain followers and surpass the former 3.3k barrier. Why? Because we’re busy building other XXX sites TARGETING OUR BI CURIOUS & BISEXUAL NICHE & social media can help spread the word. We post some pretty raunchy tweets too & it’s handy to keep you informed about tours + current news. Stay tuned.

…within easy walking distance of 2 top hotels we use for high class London escort incalls
And finally. We’re tentatively planning Escort Tours starting July. TBH, I can’t see them happening due to Government interference with our inalienable human right to earn a living, but we can but try. London will be first up, Shepherds Bush, Park Royal or Wembley most likely. We may even consider something around Liverpool Street. Paradoxically, lockdown has resulted in more potential clients willing to pay deposits. Client Eye is also helping…..Text pests, Abusive callers, No shows & Time-wasters…your time is up. In the past, we’ve suffered financially due to the antics of these people. Deposits mean tours are underwritten and we can confidently book more accessible locations right in the heart of town. Keep an eye out for details; we WLTMU. Past clients and newbies all welcome, not just bi curious and bisexual men, but crossdressers, subs, sissies plus the odd ‘straightish’ man looking for a vanilla MFM or voyeur experience. Talk soon! TTFN