How To Achieve A Hands Free Whole Body Orgasm in 90 minutes using E-Stim

Well it’s happened again. A no show. And on the back of it A-Mind-Blowing-Earth-Shattering-Body-Trembling-Hands-Free-Whole-Body-Orgasm!!! All by way of Electrosex, courtesy of ElectroPebble Power Box + Vyper 2 electro compression device + ElectroWand + Conductive Rubber Loops + Electro Pads + Bobble. Yep, I used all those over a 90 minute sesh in my office would you believe, which had me literally hanging off my seat in pure ecstasy. Thats about five to six hundred quids worth of kit, but YOU CAN ENJOY A SESSION with OUR EQUIPMENT anytime.
A guy was supposed to turn up for a solo meet with fun50geeze but must have got cold feet, and of course its WAY TOO MUCH to expect a call cancelling the meet. So Geeze got all clean and douched and horneeee….for SFA. So thoughts turned to the toybox & more specifically ElectroSex. To cut to the chase, a 90 minute sesh followed…I didn’t plan on it being that long, but believe you me, the sensations electrostim can deliver in EXPERIENCED HANDS are INTENSE and TO DIE FOR. But not for the faint of heart!
First up was Vyper 2. Vyper 2 is an electro-compression device for the cock with gold plated electro contact pads. It’s advertised as having ‘bite’ & ‘the ultimate in CBT toys’ and I agree whole-heartedly. Its designed for a HARD COCK, but a good ‘semi’ will also do…place penis in between the plates and tighten the wing nuts after applying conductive gel. There’s a number of little tricks you pick up over time….rest assured if you book an electrosex sesh with either Geeze solo, or Minx & Geeze as a duo, you’re in SAFE HANDS. All equipment manufactured by E-stimSystems is built to the highest standards in this country and conforms to all EU (Bye-Bye lol) standards, unlike some others I could mention, but won’t. I used Vyper in conjunction with my fave glass beaded dildo; it’s big and it’s curved so it hits the spot (P spot). After a while I replaced the glass with Bobble, a beautifully rounded smooth & curvy mirror polished bipolar electrode which ‘slips in easy’. I wired Bobble as a monopole and used one half of Vyper as the other pole. Fantastic. I was shaking & almost crying with emotion; the word FANTASTIC doesn’t really begin to descibe the S>E>N>S>A>T>I>O>N. Remember guys, Electrosex, ElectroPlay or E-stim, whatever you like to call it, isn’t about PAIN, it’s about SENSATION; Although you can experience PAIN if thats what you want…different strokes for different folks I guess.
After a while with Bobble, I stepped up to ElectroWand. E-Wand used to be sold primarily for skin play, but it’s also INSERTABLE, and EstimSystems appear to be pushing that side nowadays. The one I used is the Small version, but don’t be fooled, even that one is 250mm long (130mm insertable) and a comfy 38mm diameter. Its a monopole electrode so needs to be used with another, such as a pad or loop. I used one side of Vyper, then eventually (almost reluctantly) took Vyper off and replaced it with a conductive loop. I was a little concerned as to how long cock had been compressed…hence the decision to replace with a loop. With ElectroWand fully inserted, and a loop just shy of my bell end, the fun continued. Get it right and the current bridges the prostate and stimulates it to cum….you won’t feel it, you’ll only feel the sensation at the loop because thats where the biggest point of contact is. I went up and down the modes and got up to full power. In the end I wired two pads, a loop, and electrowand…greedy I know, but FAB FAB & FAB again. A little porn on the big screen also raised the tempo, off came the pads, & I finished off standing, coming hard over the desk. Prior to that I’d had a mixture of precum and milk leaking for the best part of 45 minutes & dripping on to my thigh; Guys, the orgasm you get from this stuff is TRULY MIND BLOWING. Come & experience it for yourself with us. It’s a bit of an art, so don’t rush out and buy one & expect it to deliver right out the box…it takes time & experience. You’ll need to book 90 minutes to ‘get there’ and Estim will be pretty much the only thing you’ll do during that time, but it’s like it says on the fashion ads…‘you’re worth it!’ ENJOY.
PS: Some dommes advertise Electroplay services, yet they have NEVER USED IT ON THEMSELVES so cannot possibly deliver ‘AN ULTIMATE SEXPERIENCE’…because they don’t know the ins & outs of it, Be warned. For mild electro-sessions, book TeesValleyMistress. For wild sessions book us both as a duo or Geeze solo. We’re also prepared to train Couples up on the equipment, and all electrosex items are available to buy from us direct at HEAVILY DISCOUNTED prices. So, if you’re the kinda guy who likes to push limits and explore NEW BOUNDARIES, get in touch. If you’re outside our home area, then pre-book a meeting & we’ll bring the relevant equipment with us on tour or for a Custom Booking, that’s all for now folks!
Luv Minx & Geeze xx