Zuyosa Sexual Performance Pills

Zuyosa has quickly gained a reputation for itself as a natural Sexual Vitality Supplement for Men and an alternative to Viagra that REALLY WORKS. Consequently it flies off shelves and can be extremely difficult to find. Its a specially formulated food supplement manufactured in the UK from a blend of natural minerals and plant extracts…
#Bi Visibility Week 23rd-30th September

Did you know that Sunday September 23rd is Bi Visibilty Day and marks the beginning of Bisexual Awareness Week 2018? It’s a subject close to our hearts with Geeze fully bi and Minx straight. Mind, it’s acknowledged by many that there’s no such thing as 100% straight, or 100% gay for that matter. Some of…
IT’S SUMMER, What’s going on?

It’s mid June & we’re nearly half way through the Summer! What summer I hear you ask…mainly grey days and cool winds here in the North East, but we DID manage one whole day on the beach. Not that we have a lot of time to spare, since we are busy-busy with FUN-FIVE-0. At long…
IT’S SPRING, What’s going on?

We’ve just emerged from a foot of snow, all gone now and the local rivers in full spate with the melt, so hopefully now we can look forward to Spring. They say that if March comes in like a lion it’ll go out like a lamb, so here’s hoping we have a sunny & mild…
Where Were YOU 23 Years Ago?
WHO were you 23 years ago? A twinkle in your mother’s eye? A spotty school leaver looking for a first job? A sixth former studying A levels? We like A levels 🙂 If you were a 17 or 18 year old in the year 1994 that makes you 40-41 today and in the Generation X…
What’s HOT and trending right now? Electrosex!

JULY ’17, What’s HOT and trending right now? Electrosex! Also known as E-stim or Electroplay. What is it? The art of using electricity to stimulate the body. Why call it an art? Because everybody’s different, and finding ways to pleasure the human body is not an exact science. It’s a bit like music…we all like…
Will Sex Positives ever rule the World?
Will Sex Positives ever rule the World? Sex what? For those not in the know ‘sex positivity’ can be defined as ‘having an attitude towards human sexuality that regards all sexual activities pleasurable & fundamentally healthy provided its consensual and nobody gets hurt’. To be honest I wasn’t aware myself that I was ‘sex positive’…
To Pee or not to Pee that is the Question

Hello Sexy Friends & Followers! ‘To Pee or not to Pee that is the Question’, a take on Shakespeare’s Hamlet Act lll Scene 1 I know but couldn’t resist! Some of you who follow our blogs know that we’ve been close to the adult business for around 20 years, with an interest preceding that even,…
Friday 1st July 2016

Hello to all our Sexy Friends & Followers! I’m always being told that I should be constantly writing content because that’s how ‘social media works’. That’s according to the zillion self-proclaimed experts out there, many of whom just want my money to enrol me on some ‘expert course’ which will supposedly grow our followers by…
Pastures anew!

Hello to all our Sexy Friends & Followers! Hi every-one from the North East of England! What a turbulent month it’s been, though thankfully we’ve been kept busy, meeting new people as well as a number of regulars now we’ve moved closer to them. I recalled the number of moves I’ve made in my adult…